Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Survivor All Stars

What a bad way to start a blog - reality TV. At the same time I can't stop myself watching S.A.S. At first I wanted to see how Hatch and Ethan did on their second time around (I watched the first 3 series only and was surprised to find they were up to 6 or 7 of them before the All Stars). Once they were both gone, Lex was the target of my support. Now all these guys are gone, but I hang on hoping each week Rob gets himself removed. Anyway onto last night's episode.

Firstly, I couldn't help but think the producers took Rob aside and suggested they would be willing to allow him to give up his video if he'd allow the others to get their letters.

Rob asks Jeff if he can do this, and the joy on Jeff's face shows. 'I'd be willing to make that trade'. Good trade, the audience doesn't have to sit through watching even more of Rob's idiot brother - instead the producers get the tears they so desparately want to show.

I'm puzzled as to why didn't they show Amber's reaction to her letter, everyone else had their private on-screen moment, why not her? Perhaps she didn't cry?

The producers tried desparately to make us think some sort of consipiracy was occurring but they didn't have enough material to make it convincing. As soon as Kathy made her speech at Tribal council the result was beyond doubt. That's a desparate play, people aren't going to change their votes at the council unless they know they are the deciding vote.

Last night was one more episode of people sitting back waiting. They can relax knowing they are safe to make the final seven. No-one wants to stick their head out (see the Colby Shi-Ann conversation earlier), they want someone else to open the radical dialogue. That way they have someone to blame if it all goes wrong. Colby, Lex and Rob are the people who've been willing to do this - and as a result none of them are going to win the game.

I can't see anyone other than Shi-Ann being voted out next week. It's the two weeks after that should prove interesting. Amber's building up votes against her, in a 3-3 tie breaker she's going home. The smart players will want her gone before the final 3, knowing Rob will take her to the final two. Bringing Rob to the final 3 could be a good move. He wins immunity and then chooses someone to go to the final 2 with him. It's a safe bet to say that whoever he chooses wins the money.

Alicia, Rupert and Jenna are looking good at this point. Big Tom's the sort of guy that you wouldn't want to be up against in a popularity contest. It's hard to see others disliking him, even if you can't understand a word he says.


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