Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Newsflash: Woman has Bone?

Saw this today on CNN .

Painted in traditional tribal makeup and wearing possum skins, Moopor stood silently and cast the curse by pointing a small bone at Howard as he climbed into a waiting car. Howard smiled and waved at Moopor before leaving.

I'm sure the thought of this woman pointing a bone at him has the PM trembling in his boots. I wish he had the courage to tell her what he really thinks about her cultish behaviour. I appreciate the resultant politically incorrect uproar might cost him a few votes, but come on PM the people need some leadership on this issue of 'Women with Bones'.

We here at the KingDom believe in strong leadership for the masses - we should not be a slave to public opinion. Public opinion after all is a slave to the media. Politics should lead, not follow. One must do what is right, not what is popular.


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