Thursday, May 06, 2004


Well as predicted Shi-Ann goes home this week. The reward challenge was disgusting - especially the spider. Also Bucky swallowed that grub alive and whole, which isn't a pleasant thought. How you could fit it down your throat is beyond me. Fortunately your stomach acid would kill it fairly quickly.

Tom had to make a choice as to who to take on the reward challenge, and I think he made the right one. Rupert put him last (save for the going home girl) in the previous reward challenge, and after the leg-up performance from him and his wife I don't think that anyone could have enjoyed a night with them (shudder). Tom's comment about Shi-Ann making an alliance with a bush was quite funny.

Once again we saw the losing speech at tribal council (remember Kathy's one a few weeks ago). Shi-Ann said 'I'm voting for the person I think is playing the game' or something like that. What she was basically saying was 'I'm not voting for someone who is going to get voted off tonight, coz I know I'm going home'.

Well that leaves us with 5 - but in 3 groups. Rob & Amber, Jenna & Rupert, Big Tom.

Let's run through the possibilities. There are 3.

1) Rob & Amber go with Jenna & Rupert. Big Tom goes home next week. Result 4 people left and Amber is vulnerable because of the large number of votes she has on her. This doesn't sound like a smart play for Rob and Amber unless one of them wins the immunity and gives it to her - still risky though.

2) Rob & Amber go with Big Tom. This could result in Jenna or Rupert going home. It makes more sense for them to send Rupert home. He has the possibility of winning challenges, he is likely to attract votes. Jenna is not likely to do either. Strategically it is a good move, but maybe they just can't stand Jenna and want her gone.

3) Rupert & Jenna team up with Big Tom. While it's possible, I don't know. I think Rob is a handy guy to keep around for the final two. He's burned too many bridges already. There is also a lot of distrust between this group. Still Rupert might like to get rid of Tom so he can win the immunity challenges.

It's a hard call. Rob does not trust Big Tom, but it makes more sense for him to keep him around than Rupert and Jenna. I'll call Rupert going home next - but I don't have much confidence in this weeks pick.


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