Heading for Disaster
I don't often agree with Christian Kerr, but this time we seem to see eye to eye.
Howard may be on the nose, but looking at the platforms that the two parties are offering. If we choose Labor on Saturday this country is headed for disaster. The welfare state is going out of fashion fast (see what's happening in Europe at the moment - riots and protests as the governments cut back on the unaffordable).
Better a rat than a national disaster. Think about the policies, not the people.
Medicare Gold guarantees free, immediate health care for the over 75s.
Stuff you if you’re younger or sicker. This isn’t age before beauty. It’s age
before need. If you’re under 75 you’ll be dumped down the waiting list. Yes.
Even if you live in a marginal seat.
If you’re one of the 35 per cent or so of elderly Australians who have shelled out for private health insurance so you had quick access to medical treatment when you need it – and not all of these are silvertails, by any means – stuff you, too.
Howard may be on the nose, but looking at the platforms that the two parties are offering. If we choose Labor on Saturday this country is headed for disaster. The welfare state is going out of fashion fast (see what's happening in Europe at the moment - riots and protests as the governments cut back on the unaffordable).
Better a rat than a national disaster. Think about the policies, not the people.
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