Monday, October 09, 2006


One thing I can't stand reading is intellectual bankruptcy.

Comments like: "North Korea doesn't have any oil so the US leaves them alone"

Yes sherlock that's it. Nothing to do with the fact they have enough artillery poised to wipe a major western capital of 10million people off the map in the first hours of the war. Nothing to do with the fact they've been presumed to have had nuclear weapons for some time, and they have a proven delivery system capable of reaching Japan.

North Korea is too dangerous a nut to crack. Friendly casualties would be enormous. Gee I wonder why the US chose to deal with them last? Let's go for the low hanging fruit.

The real problem with the war in Iraq is that it proved to Iran that if you have nukes (like North Kora was presumed to) then you're safe from the US. The US will try to use the UN multilateral system in that case - as they did with NK, and it's a failed system to begin with.

Iran, for all it's talk, is of course persuing nuclear weapons of their own. It's already too late for NK. Perhaps its not too late for Iran. The mismanagement of Iraq is a disaster. A disaster because we're now unable to do what needs to be done while there is still time. This is why our leaders stand condemned.


Blogger Domitar said...

That's a good point.

7:40 pm  

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