Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Predictions

As always I make my election predictions public in advance. This time I am predicting a Republican Senate with 51 seats (Lieberman will win as an independent - but he'll always be a Democrat) and a Democratic House of 229 seats.

I was listening to TWIT (This week in technology) and it made me appreciate the simplicity of the Australian electoral system. Americans are beginning to miss out on the joy of the pencil and democracy. In some things technology is not the answer.

The Democrats will not impeach the president, but they will start hearings into the pre-war intelligence. The Democrats will also act responsibly in the congress. An interesting comment I heard the other day "Give them a taste of power and they will want more, they won't do anything stupid that would jeopardize their chances in 2008".


Blogger Domitar said...

I sincerely doubt they will try to get even. Dem's saw that impeaching a sitting president was not popular with the electorate. I think the Dem's would be shooting themselves in the foot were they to take that path. Hillary will be desparate to avoid that.

Plus impeach Bush and you'll have President Cheney. Impeach Cheny and you'd have President Pelosi. I don't see what the Democrats would think they have to gain.

They'll settle for subpoenas. It will all be about setting up a victory in 2008 from now on.

10:47 am  

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