Thursday, October 19, 2006

Podcasts by Request

By Request a list of my favourite podcasts. They probably generate around 25-30 hours worth of listening each week. I try to listen to all of them.

BBC Documentary Archive
ABC: Hindsight

Dr Karl's Great Moments in Science
Dr Karl on triple J
ABC: The Science Show
ABC: Ockham's Razor
ABC News Radio: Starstuff (Excellent Podcast)
ABC Radio National: The Philosopher's Zone
NPR Technology

NPR Economy
The Economist (Excellent Podcast)
Time Magazine - Busines Review
BBC4 - Peter Days In Business Report (Excellent Podcast)

View from the Left: ABC Late Night Live
View from the Soft Left: The National Interest
View from the Soft Left: Big Ideas
Libertarian Viewpoint: Radio National Counterpoint
View from the Right: The Hugh Hewit Show

Topical Take
ABC: Background Briefing (One of my favourites)

ABC: Correspondent's Report
BBC: From our own correspondent

ABC News Radio: Question time from the house of representatives (Australian Parliament)
NPR: It's all Politics

Battlestar Galactica (I don't listen to these until after I've seen the episode)

There's another 8 or so Podcasts I subscribe to that I've forgotten off the top of my head. I'll add them to the list as I remember.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A time of change

My eldest son held his first publicly attended birthday party yesterday. A good turnout as well with only one invited person pulling out due to illness. As I have long feared for Master Dom's school social skills (but never his intellect) I've never known whether he would be able to pull a crowd. Fortunately he didn't disappoint.

Annoying moment of the day went to the parent who turned up with an elder sibling requesting that the elder child could stay at the party while she went shopping. Queen Dom relented but the parent having the gall to ask bugs me. He was not invited and was certainly out of place - being a couple of years older and spending most of time demonstrating shouting techniques to the younger kids. What was worse was the fact that he cleaned up by gathering about 40% of the total rewards pool in the treasure hunt when we had 17 kids there. The younger kids couldn't compete.

My wife didn't give him a bag of sweets and a specially made $2 cupcake at the end. Good on her. Hey we spent $40 on cupcakes???

Classic moment of the day then went to my wife who managed to forget what one of the kids looked like at the end. Thinking that it was another sibling she also refused to hand him over a cupcake and sweets bag "No these are only for the party kids. You can't have one". Near tears he pointed out to her that he was a 'party kid'.

Good one.

My son's actual birthday is tomorrow and I promised to start paying him pocket money. I was thinking $2 a week, but this thought horrified Queen Dom who commented that he'd be able to buy 3 Milk Bars a week.

Now I have no idea what a Milk Bar is, but I'm skeptical that:
a) You could buy 3 of them with $2
b) Master Dom has even heard of a milk bar
c) Master Dom even wants a milk bar. Personally I think he'd save up and buy himself a gameboy with Pac-Man on it.

Anyway, we'll have to decide tonight. You can be sure that tomorrow morning he'll ask me how much he's getting. It's not that he wants the money. It's curiosity - he just wants to know what the number will be. So do I...