Friday, April 23, 2004

Google Schmoogle

How long does it take for a new blog to find its way onto Google? I have no idea, but it still hasn't happened. My lifelong dream is for this to be the number one google site for Domitar. It's always good to set your goals high kids.....(where's my bucket?).

Enterprise Rediscovers then Loses the Plot

As a true Star Trek fan I was watching series 3 episode 11 of Enterprise last night.

Here is an episode summary.

Opening Scene:
Present day earth scene, quite obviously out of place with the Star Trek universe.

Immediately you realise there are 2 Possibilities
1) Group of Humans transported from earth by aliens in the past and taken to another planet have developed only 21st century technology.
2) Time travel

Oh wait, plot [1] was in episode 9. Surely they won't do that again 2 weeks later.

So let's sum up this brilliant plot.
1) Bad guys go back in time to change the timeline.
2) Good guys go back and stop them keeping everything hunky dory.

I love the originality. Only one problem - Enterprise (23rd Century?) doesn't know how to travel through time (this is long before Kirk's time). Writer scratches his head and comes up with a true stroke of genius.

How about someone from the 30th century comes back and transports Archer back to the 21st century.

So for comparative purposes, lets put a modern day perspective on this. If someone was interfering with earth's history in the 10th century, possibly leading to all of humanity's destruction I would not trust this job to a fully equipped special forces team to save my butt. No, I'd send in William figgy 13th century Tell with his trusty bow.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Brickies outdo themselves

As I mentioned yesterday we have a pair of uninformed brickies doing some work at my house currently. They have to build 3 normal height walls for a total floor length of 13m. They've so far taken 2 full days (a brickie's full day is 7 hours) to finish 40% of the work.

So lets see. That is 5.2m of wall in 2 days by 2 brickies, or 1.3m of wall in an entire day for 1 brickie. Is it just me, or does this seem a bit slow to you? These guys obviously had a lego deprived childhood. I would hate to see them building an entire house.

2004 Templeton Prize

I was listening to an interview recently with this years Templeton Prize winner, George Ellis on Radio National's Breakfast program. He was explaining that the existence of life is so improbable that Physicists currently have two theories regarding the universe.

The first theory is the existence of a creator (Incidentally, I don't subscribe to the theory that it is possible to prove the existence of a creator through science). The second theory which is gaining popularity is that of a multi-verse. Sounding like something out of Star Trek, the theory is that there is an almost infinite number of parallel universes each slightly different from the next. We just happen to live in one where all the ingredients were right for life to be formed (amount of carbon etc...). These parallel universes we haven't found yet and there are two possibilities, either they are not connected to our universe and we won't be able to find them, or they are connected but they are so far away that we are unable to see them.

I am not a physicist (having no more than first year university physics), so I won't pretend to understand things that I don't, but to me this sounds like a crock of shyte. You run your experiment, find a significant result that you don't want, so you say "I know, lets imagine that the population is much bigger than the universe. That way I don't have to acknowledge what I found is significant because I lose all power in my test". Brilliant statistician's answer.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Ripmax Creates Blog

My buddy Ripmax has created his own blog, which is now officially my first link.

Lucky you Rip, I'll be sending my entire audience over to you immediately. Hopefully this won't clog the servers.

Ice-Cream Van Turf Wars

As tragic as this story is, I can't fathom it - Jail for Mr Whippy Sword Killer

The court was told there was a history of bad blood between the men and a deep-seated hatred arose between their families after a long-standing turf war over ice-cream vans.

Update: I still can't get my head around this concept. What sort of idiots get into a turf war over ice-cream vans? Perhaps my brother Murlock is right and no matter how erudite I think I am, I do need to spend some time outside the Ivory Tower to understand practical everyday life.

I'm off to the Toilet for Lunch

Queen Domitar is a doctor (not a true doctor - she doesn't have a Doctorate, only a Bachelor of Medicine and a Bachelor of Surgery). While reading Australian Doctor last night she informed me that the latest research has found the average workplace desktop has 400 times the level of bacteria of the workplace toilet (number of bacteria per square inch).

Perhaps I'm not that hungry after all.

Clorox have further information on this study. (editor: This product placement has absolutely nothing to do with the Cash For Comment post earlier)

Talkback Radio

This morning I heard an interview with Senator Nick Cherry on Radio National (Yes I'm sufficiently embarrassed that I listen to them, but we can talk about that another time). I remember him saying that "Many people have their opinions influenced by Talkback Radio", in justifying the need for the ABA to look into the 'Cash for Comment' scandal involving Telstra and Alan Jones.

I couldn't help but think of this wonderful post.

I can't listen to talkback radio. Senator Cherry believes it is an important part of democracy. I believe it is little more than a whine fest for the proletariate, give me informed commentary any day of the week.

What Kids Say

Crown Prince Domitar, heir to the KingDom brought me a lego creation he had made this morning. It consisted of blocks of lego formed into a pylon about 20cm long with a tow truck hook / crane on the end which was holding a man.

Here are the exact quotes:
"Daddy look what I made. Daddy I made a hooker"
I laugh.

"It's a hooker Daddy, look it picks up men".
The prince is very young, he has no idea what he's saying. This is why I find it so amusing, he invented the word as far as he is concerned.

"Daddy, you've never seen a hooker before".
Queen Domitar being in the next room, I quickly agree with him.

Brickies Remain Uninformed

Neither of the two brickies who turned up at my house at 6:45am this morning had heard of the KingDom. Obviously my marketing team is doing something wrong and were immediately put on notice.

Next Tuesday the 'Chippies' (apparently they have something to do with the roof?) arrive. We'll see if they fare any better...

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

M79 Whore?

Anyone who has played Battlefield Vietnam knows all about the M60 el cheapo weapon. You can spray someone with 100 bullets in 15 seconds from range with barely any recoil.

On telstra gamesarena last week I was called a M79 whore? What the heck. Just because I practiced lobbing grenades onto moving people at a range of 120m suddenly makes me cheap? I don't think so buddy, 'M79 whore' is the cry of the loser. See you on the battlefield.

Cash For Comment Scandal Sought

While we at the KingDom believe politician's should have high ethical standards, we are fully aware that no such critieria appears to exist for journalists (in all hemispheres of the world). If you're got cash, we've got highly elastic opinions, so to arrange a sponsorship deal contact

Newsflash: Woman has Bone?

Saw this today on CNN .

Painted in traditional tribal makeup and wearing possum skins, Moopor stood silently and cast the curse by pointing a small bone at Howard as he climbed into a waiting car. Howard smiled and waved at Moopor before leaving.

I'm sure the thought of this woman pointing a bone at him has the PM trembling in his boots. I wish he had the courage to tell her what he really thinks about her cultish behaviour. I appreciate the resultant politically incorrect uproar might cost him a few votes, but come on PM the people need some leadership on this issue of 'Women with Bones'.

We here at the KingDom believe in strong leadership for the masses - we should not be a slave to public opinion. Public opinion after all is a slave to the media. Politics should lead, not follow. One must do what is right, not what is popular.

Survivor All Stars

What a bad way to start a blog - reality TV. At the same time I can't stop myself watching S.A.S. At first I wanted to see how Hatch and Ethan did on their second time around (I watched the first 3 series only and was surprised to find they were up to 6 or 7 of them before the All Stars). Once they were both gone, Lex was the target of my support. Now all these guys are gone, but I hang on hoping each week Rob gets himself removed. Anyway onto last night's episode.

Firstly, I couldn't help but think the producers took Rob aside and suggested they would be willing to allow him to give up his video if he'd allow the others to get their letters.

Rob asks Jeff if he can do this, and the joy on Jeff's face shows. 'I'd be willing to make that trade'. Good trade, the audience doesn't have to sit through watching even more of Rob's idiot brother - instead the producers get the tears they so desparately want to show.

I'm puzzled as to why didn't they show Amber's reaction to her letter, everyone else had their private on-screen moment, why not her? Perhaps she didn't cry?

The producers tried desparately to make us think some sort of consipiracy was occurring but they didn't have enough material to make it convincing. As soon as Kathy made her speech at Tribal council the result was beyond doubt. That's a desparate play, people aren't going to change their votes at the council unless they know they are the deciding vote.

Last night was one more episode of people sitting back waiting. They can relax knowing they are safe to make the final seven. No-one wants to stick their head out (see the Colby Shi-Ann conversation earlier), they want someone else to open the radical dialogue. That way they have someone to blame if it all goes wrong. Colby, Lex and Rob are the people who've been willing to do this - and as a result none of them are going to win the game.

I can't see anyone other than Shi-Ann being voted out next week. It's the two weeks after that should prove interesting. Amber's building up votes against her, in a 3-3 tie breaker she's going home. The smart players will want her gone before the final 3, knowing Rob will take her to the final two. Bringing Rob to the final 3 could be a good move. He wins immunity and then chooses someone to go to the final 2 with him. It's a safe bet to say that whoever he chooses wins the money.

Alicia, Rupert and Jenna are looking good at this point. Big Tom's the sort of guy that you wouldn't want to be up against in a popularity contest. It's hard to see others disliking him, even if you can't understand a word he says.

Welcome to my new Blog.

I have no idea where I'm going with this, but hopefully I'll be able to make at least one new fan (other than myself). I'll look back in 5 years time and regret this, I just know it - 5 years ago today was a day I regret (more on this another time). History doesn't every repeat itself on the macro scale, but if you look hard enough you'll find something micro that will support that close to useless adage.

Well that's my warm and friendly introduction - fortunately the probability is fairly high that I'm going to be the only one to read it (this removes any obligation I have to employ an editor).